. I am interested in implementing the facebook "Like" button, but I would like to know what user is clicking on this button so I can get some useful information from this. By using a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Foundation, you can take advantage of a lot of pre-written code to style your prototype. When user click like button, it first check if button has class “liked” or not. About. Notice the 'Download ZIP' button on the right-hand side of that page, which makes it easy to grab the whole project and get it running on your own computer. December 2020. When we run thisPostRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {}), we're checking the data that exists in that section of the Firebase database. version of the previous image. Next, we write some code that will alert us if an error occurred with updating this data. These are very important and useful features, so after you've finished this tutorial be sure to read the Firebase documentation on how to use them. HOW TO. … Now after I click the like button, the like button changes to a lit up or brightened So we can create a full-width column for our introductory text like this: And, above that code, we can make a full-width image area like this: We need to add a little bit of custom CSS to our 'hero' class to implement our background image. Carefully observe how we have used conditional rendering to render different hearts based on the state of … So below is a video shown I put and underneath this video I have a like button. the following like button shown under the video below. In this example, we'll look at setting up a Firebase database to store the number of 'likes' a blogpost has earned, as well as the HTML, CSS and JavaScript code that we'll need to get the Like buttons working. When someone clicks on like, it will increment the count and changes it to 'unlike'. You can check that if you want to do the same. Like is one of the most populars actions . This is very helpful for testing and debugging. Buttons are not only good for usability, but also an extremely important design element for your website. }. The Button object represents an HTML
element. This tutorial won't give you a good design but will give you idea on the topic. Finally, you'll see that we run the getLikeCount() function again, to make sure this post is correctly displaying the latest number of likes to the user. Press the "Enter" key inside the input field to trigger the button: Button. Place jQuery library and the jQuery like-dislike plugin at the bottom of your webpage. Step 4: JavaScript variables & functions; Step 5: Like button functionality; It's surprisingly easy to add some engaging & interactive new features to any website nowadays, thanks to the variety of services and APIs that are available.
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