repository anti pattern
If you already hate the Repository Pattern, I get it. Is it to enforce an invariant constraint on the specific DBContext subtype or is there another reason? You can even take this a bit further if required and apply a convention. Typical arguments are going to be around these factors: In my last project we had a more complex setup. All persistency related stuff in either in the query or in the unit of work implementation and only there we need tests which either go to the database or use InMemory databases. So in theory you wouldn’t need my abstraction layer. So at a developer’s first pass at creating a Repository it could look like this. The key aspects are this: The repository is implemented just once as a generic, and exposes IQueryable. private readonly Func dependentScopeFactory; IUnitOfWorkScope scope = !CurrentSessionContext.HasBind(this.sessionFactory) I was very skeptical about Ayende saying don’t use repositories but I am into this idea now after creating a 25th method in my next CustomerReporitory.GetByThisAndThatOrThisAndProbablySomethingElse….. A UnitOfWork driven implementation is actually very useful. But then, DDD is probably not appropriate for those anyway. LINQ to SQL and the repository pattern (6) Are the generated objects serializable? Session is already a UnitOfWork. It can therefore be argued that DRY is a less important principle than a good abstraction in this case, thus the anti-pattern … These two reasons make the Generic Repository pattern an anti pattern. I can write an expression tree to convert an xml into an IQueryable, you can probably force it onto something else. There is just one question I have. We will create a Client application to better understand repository pattern. Great Post in defense of the oft-maligned repository pattern! However, as Ayende points out, ISession is already an abstraction. Then most likely you didn’t understand the article. You presented an interesting idea here. The scope is specifically where you want to use it, and isn’t too large or small. CRUD Operations Using the Generic Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection in MVC; The Repository Pattern. Mike from SapiensWork even calls it a complete anti pattern. I made an attempt to clarify things in Part 3, because people are having a hard time separating their past implementations to the outlined one here. I often find creating a Testing or a TestHelper API that allows data setup and assertions can simplify testing greatly. We use the appccelerate event broker to asynchronously fire events over process boundaries. While discussing that, this post will also address why returning LiveData from Repository … Unit testable. » The repository anti pattern clarified,, Entity Framework – Generic Repository Pattern – Part 2 | 2guysfrommumbai, Simplicity enables an evolutionary software architecture, Our journey to F#: CompilationRepresentationAttribute, We need to instantiate for each entity a new repository of T, Like Greg states we are losing expressivness when we are using FindAllBy(new CustomerByNameQuery(“Daniel”)). Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your account. Note: Read Rules should be Expressions so they can be applied to queries and compiled for Finds. One recommendation is to account for variance, so rules can be applied based off of convention. Chances are that if you change your ORM that you’ll need to re-do your queries. I don’t blame you if you didn’t. I think we can’t have the cake and eat it too with either of these two approaches. What about that repository: We suddenly don’t need to instantiate a repository for each entity. practices - repository anti pattern . A lot of coders are lazy and try to make a generic repository and use a base class with a lot of methods that they might need. Development can do CRUD on Repositories, and don’t need to explicitly create them. Unit of work is a start save and end only item. The reason why I’m even making this post is how divergent my implementation was from what the “Gurus” are considering as a bad implementation. We get “GetCustomerByFirstName”, “GetCustomerByLastName” and so on BUT we will never be able to combine them with AND or OR and we’ll need one more repository method to achieve this. – I’m missing the sessionFactory field/property That is silly. Hold a architecture workshop in which you present the new way of programming, show them how they can apply the new style or even refactor old ways of querying. You write the repository class once and keep it as long as the application lives (can be years). One additional place we can apply the Rules Service is in the Repository for queries. This can be fine for many applications. Jon Smith pointed me to MSDN’s implementation of the Repository and Unit Of Work Pattern after reading this post. I always try to have only the abstractions necessary to get the job done. Here is a very simple example. Mike from SapiensWork even calls it a complete anti pattern. What would the benefit of including the DBContext as a generic type parameter for the EntityFramework implementation as opposed to just having the constructor accept a DBContext base type? For example this is pretty simple: Here DataMocking.Start() is re-configuring the container used by the framework. Also please note, in part two I recommend exposing your underlying ORM if needed. elaboration or corrections on certain topics) to this project. In fact, you only have to follow a single rule: Do not add anything into the repository class until the very moment that you need it. => return uow.FindAllBy(new CustomerFirstNameOfQuery(name)). Repository pattern C# is mostly used where we need to modify the data before passing to the next stage. This approach is nothing like you’re describing. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We maintain this source of geek knowledge with enthusiasm and joy. I have in the past but it was never used. As client side calling code, I really don’t care, where and how my data is stored. These approaches help in solving complicated problems with lots of ifs, then, whens and temporal aspects. But there is still one caveat regarding testability. Did I miss your point? Let us look into how a generic repository would look like. I’m upset problems were raised about this pattern and not many people suggested solutions before hopping to the next thing. Abstracting out a layer doesn’t solely have to be because of future replacement of that layer. You are missing content in this repository that can be helpful for others and you are eager to explain it? What I do use explicitely is Transaction, inside and outside of a repository. The Repositories all shared the context, so saving one would save all. One more thing we would need to do to make this work, and that is to update our EntityRepository to use the shared context from the Unit Of Work. I expected you to do it that way. And also we have two dependencies which need to be injected in every class which needs database access. My other issue concerns the claimed testability. So why don’t we just move these few members onto the scope? This is probably where most bad practices come from. Abstracting too many things away is a design smile. In that case we had the abstraction to properly hide the SessionFactory and the CurrentSession context stuff and also to hook another kind of UnitOfWork into it. Many anti-patterns come from a CorrectiveAction gone awry. You can do this different ways with different patterns, and that is fine. But why do you mix together the Repository with the UnitOfWork and the transaction handling? I also find in-memory test databases limited. Side Note: Did you know you could create a constrained generic extension method? I’m sorry I was being a bit lazy and didn’t want to focus on DI for this. Anti-pattern 8 -Hardcoding secrets and configuration into container images. At the end, let me know if you still think it is an Anti-Pattern. If this is an important factor for you, you might want to re-work this method. A couple of questions: => Simply don’t test them. Under my outline though, there really isn’t a way to do that. Active Record. => themselves by over complicating the infrastructure. EF Core already implements a Rep/UoW pattern, so layering another Rep/UoW pattern on top of EF Core isn’t helpful.A better solution is to use EF Core directly, which allows you to use all of EF Core’s feature to produce high-performing database accesses. Repository pattern C# also supports the objective of achieving a clean separation and one-way dependency between the domain and data mapping layers. The UnitOfWorkManager although just uses a IUnitOfWork and doesn’t know about the context. I would then be inclined to do some integration testing on these extension methods. In most cases this is a generalization too far and it can be a trap for lazy developers. There is no value in testing a method like: Simply code review that stuff and you are fine. This means custom queries can be applied to anything you can turn into an IQueryable or IEnumerable.AsQueryable() of the same type. Just let them read the blog post or your guidelines which you assembled out of the blog post. Calling a Pattern an Anti-Pattern is actually an Anti-Pattern. In the past I’ve had Submit on the Repositories, which really didn’t make sense. YAGNI. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Func delegate is missing some parameters ? I 100% agree. I have not used Query objects in the past myself but if I did then I would have expected to see more complex examples like composing queries by building them from simpler ones and tying them together with the help of something like AndQuery or OrQuery classes. : this.dependentScopeFactory(); I think the code is missing generic params. The reason then was to ensure via container configuration the right DbContext was paired to the right entity. We need to instantiate a concrete class for each entity type we want to fetch data from. => public static class CustomerRepositoryExtensions { How many times we really used different persistence layers with the same repository? Pretty much we need to notify the UnitOfWorkManager the scope has ended to remove the UnitOfWork. Generally the generic repository is considered an anti pattern as stated by Greg Young, he offers a solution by applying a composition pattern to maximize code reuse. That is based off of design. But I can live with that drawback. I was just reading a new book on DDD on .NET, and I came across a comment that the Repository pattern is considered an anti-pattern, and I did a double-take, “Say what!”. If you abstract everything you’re also coupled. Looks great. Its such a simple concept, but developers create artificial constraints in their design. Daniel. But I’m struggeling with the UnitOfWork class here: (Faking the generic FindAllBy) Our custom rules are defined outside the scope of the Repositories, and can be added in based off of how we setup our Rules Service. So basically instead of injecting a session and writing one simple LINQ query we get a whole bunch of classes and lots of methods doing the same queries all over again. Hy Nima First I’d like to appreciate your great article I have learned a lot from it and Second I have a question to ask : Why we need a UnitOfWork and Scope ? It is easy to test. We developed a detection program called the Anti-Pattern Scanner. I updated to post to even recommend sealing it. A generic repository serves the dogma because very few applications have a need for a generic contract applicable everywhere and when used just to mask a DAO, it becomes an unnecessary abstraction. What are your thoughts now that I outlined more around how to implement this is a different way? ( Log Out / Definition Repository The Repository mediates between the domain and data mapping layers, acting like an in-memory collection of domain objects. I […]. His internalGenericRepository approach on the other hand allows hiding this unwanted possibility for shortcuts. Part 3 might give you a better idea. In such systems, the read data is typically stored according to queries needed. Therefore I will combine them in this post and show how to implement them both. – Intenionally left out Stripped away a bit of the code so that adaptors need to think and not copy paste Avoiding the Repository Pattern with an ORM - CodeOpinion, Repository Pattern: Retrospective and Clarification – Brian Bu. I added a Part 3 in an attempt to clarify things. This blog post is so long ago I can’t recall a 100% sorry. I agree with you in this case as there is hardly anything in it that can go wrong. Ditch the Repository Pattern Already 20 February, 2018. So if you were to go into an interview and were asked what is the Repository Pattern, the answer CRUD is acceptable. You could make this a bit more elaborate of course, but this would work just fine. Thanks for clarifying. I added an extension method for the DbContext to get the changes, and also send those changes to a RulesService. The Thread Static \ Async Local instance, will keep all calls in the scope using the same Unit Of Work which uses the same DbContext. Your event aggregator logic can also be applied to a new framework if needed. Things might turn out well, or they may just go wrong in a different way. Their samples definitely are problematic and only in their side notes do they briefly address the issues. Everyone seems to like this thought process and they are really attached to it. Such state is usually used for querying. This is where we will be applying any custom rules per entity type or convention. In case of NHibernate we can directly use ISessionFactory.GetCurrentSession() to get the current session and then start a transaction. With this, the complexity required from the data access tech is also reduced. 0. You had a bad experience with it. I focus on a zero rework implementation. I aggree that any ORM should be an implementation detail of a repository. Now, let me address the other typical concerns. That looks kinda nice. No, not quite. That eventual consistency needs to be accepted and modelled properly. Oh well, I suppose that I have to think about it a bit more. This would be a bit more expressiv because we have meaningful methods which describe what actually is done instead of FindAllBy(new QueryObject(…)). The problem is if there was a Repository for every table that is too many, if there is a Repository for every concern it doesn’t make sense. I posed the question to myself today, should I still be recommending the Repository Pattern for new development? This approach has the following drawbacks: What about when we apply Gregs composition approach? What about transaction management and where is the session in case of NHibernate or something similar? (Visibility of generic FindAllBy method) Keep it clean without any base class inheritance. Is it something NHibernate specific? Attached entities could bypass that check. First, don’t create custom interfaces per table. One pattern that still seems particularly common among .Net developers is the Repository pattern. I mentioned that I have two problems with the repository pattern, the second being the way it is being used. It probably would be better without it now as autoconfig on the container would be easier. Don’t try to protect developers from themselves by over complicating the infrastructure. I also started one at the last usergroup meeting together with Julie Lerman. In this Master's Thesis Project, two Code Smells, four Anti-Patterns and four types of Design Principle violations have been examined. And Event Sourcing can be used to avoid exposing state for Aggregates. In the simplest words the repository pattern provides a clear separation between the application and the database access. We don’t need a real database for the Foo class. About NHIbernate or any ORM, I think they are an implementation detail of a repository. I really liked the article you’ve written. No, the repository/unit-of-work pattern (shortened to Rep/UoW) isn’t useful with EF Core. The design laid out here doesn’t have the problems that usually are stated. framework - repository anti pattern Repository pattern and/or/vs business logic layer (2) My "DAL" (more of a home-grown ORM, which is another topic) is really a couple of layers in itself; one abstraction that provides repository and some active record pattern support, and below that is … 2) Using a more capable mocking framework which can fake static methods, e.g. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. However, I don’t feel that Greg Young’s internalGenericRepository solution is over complicating the infrastructure. Disposing of the mock, clears out the data used for the test. ? Awesome! You know I was debating the DbContext thing. Finally, the approach you’ve outlined may work nicely for CRUD applications where the “model” is basically an ERD diagram over the database. My solution has been a Rules Service, this can be a Event Aggregator, a Functional Paradigm or something custom. We needed to have a mechanism to only fire those events when the underlying session transaction was committed without failure. There is some middle ground that should make sense. No need for repositories. Why mess it up by being lazy? “It could literally be running any query that could be expressed within the QueryObject (read: any possible query). Its such a simple concept, but developers create artificial constraints in their design. The only issue I face now is how to create a rich domain model without injecting session into entities. Quite frankly, and here I fully share the blame, the Repository pattern is popular. It's just a case of isolation as Marc Gravel said above. 4 Min read. Side Note: The first time I showed the above class to a Senior Architect seven years ago, he said to me: “Is this some type of dictionary? It’s also a separation of the client from the used persistency technology (either NHibernate, EF, SharePoint, ADO.NET, WebService or whatever). Those implementing the anti-pattern often will implement their full interface then will throw exceptions for the methods that they don’t support. I am not leaning one way or the other. When I say success, I mean 250 developers, 500 million dollar project, 5+ million lines of code, 100k concurrent users. So the next logical step would be to centralize that logic, and you could have something like this: A paradigm like this would separate the logic out, and allow for tables to use multiple rules. We can fetch data from multiple entities with the same repository instance. But still there is one major drawback: Let us try even another approach. So let’s talk about common problems in implementations of the Repository Pattern and how we can solve them. Look at mistake 4, those 2 repositories would share the same context. This significantly reduces the complexity of the data and as such, reduces the complexity of the data access mechanism. Implementing these patterns can help insulate your application from changes in the data store and can facilitate automated unit testing or test-driven development (TDD).In this tutorial you'll implement a repository class for each entity type. Personally I find using Moq on every unit test becomes a bit overwhelming. That is the biggest problem with the Repository Pattern. What I do is a Rules Service, in light of a better name. – Changed it to public. Nine times out of ten, it is used wrongly by software developer, because of the usage of the generic repository pattern which is an anti pattern. This requires a bit more sophisticated business scoping. But I cannot see a way to unit test methods like the Bar() method as easily as I wished to. (Visibility of generic FindAllBy method) We can use extension methods to cover the query objects behind the scenes and give this approach more expressivness. NHibernate’s ISession is itself an unit of work. Now we can add queries to specific generics based off of class or interface. I will try to answer your questions. Get infected! You could deep clone the changeset and run of the rules until the changeset doesn’t have and differences. I’m also a huge fan of UoW handling by using DI container or aspect oriented style approaches. And what’s most frustrating all these methods will have one like of ORM query only. Hopefully, you’re going to use this for something more useful than the example though. So YAGNI is the good word here most of the time => 0. There are two scenarios here which are relevant for testing: viewmodels are persisted. It can Submit and Dispose. If you don’t abstract at all you couple to it. The Unit Of Work pattern can be used to allow this. One could add logic to allow for these feature. After thinking about it a bit more I’d might restructure it. A generic repository often looks something like the code below. I see that this leeks out the CustomerFirstNameOfQuery class. all that code… oh, if there was something that could already have it… oh, wait.. EntityFramework! this.rootScopeFactory() Lets go through some common mistakes. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aedbb6fde464aeb32d5499218f7c8e8d" );document.getElementById("g80c8179af").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Looks nice so far. Again this can work off of convention and have zero development cost when adding a new entity. Anti Patterns Catalog "Catalog" is a technical term in the PatternCommunity: a list of patterns is called a catalog. – Why are there two scopes? They work surprisingly well; even with intelli-sense. I had the impression they weren't. I have a little follow up post on this topic: We can solve the first problem with an easy adapter for the session and the transaction which even allows nested scopes: Nice we gained a little bit of abstraction in our business code regarding the persistency layer but we still have two dependencies in our Foo class. There is zero development outside of Framework level reusable components for each repository. Learn how your comment data is processed. The first one is the visibility of the generic FindAllBy(IQuery) method in the IUnitOfWorkScope interface. Maybe not if you change from relational to relational db, but from relational to non relational databases for sure. This example is managing the scope of it for you. We are a group of passionate developers and admins. I … Implementing the Repository Pattern this way is, the pattern is not useless. here’s an awesome graph that illustrates the idea: Why Repository Pattern C# ? There is no need, use extension methods. – In most of the cases Repository becomes a unneeded level of abstraction. This is shown for simplicity. Custom interfaces resolving to custom classes, but now we have a little bit of reusable code. There is no value in testing a method like: The generic repository is just a lazy anti-pattern. The Repository pattern and Unit of Work pattern are used together most of the time. But stop! This is probably where most bad practices com… I see in comments about persistence ignorance (this is how I understand ” a separation of the client from the used persistency technology”) but don’t we have a framework for framework itself, nothing more? An anti-pattern is a common response to a recurring problem that is usually ineffective and risks being highly counterproductive. But still it has a drawback: How could we overcome this issue? This article tries to answer this question. If you abstract over anything you lose some of its power. This catalog lists AntiPatterns in two ways: General alphabetic classification Categorical listing of AntiPatterns with the following sections available Besides, it has the added benefits of expressing that design intent more clearly. Repository pattern divides application’s UI, business logic and data access components into different layers that are easily maintainable and testable. In Part 2 I address Typical Anti-Repository Arguments. I have shown a more advanced approach to using the Repository Pattern in the Post: The Repository Pattern isn’t an Anti-Pattern; You’re just doing it wrong. One thing to note is, if lets say a Delete Rule Inserts an entity, the insert rule could be skipped. Mistake #3 – Extensibility Points addresses those issues. I’ll talk about that soon. Not least, as you point out that I can teach a new developer how to be PRODUCTIVE from day one with my architectures using this pattern. The generic repository pattern does data persistence of add, update and delete that is not part of a true repository object used properly. Our abstraction hided this away from the user. As for the Specification Pattern, I never used it specifically so I wouldn’t be the right person to ask. Then we are back to the situation which Greg Young in the cited blog post described as follows: In Part 3 I address Retrospective and Clarification. It’s just hard for me to accept other people’s failures as a reason, when I’ve been successful with minor tweaks. There is actually another drawback in my proposed solution. Imagine you have Posts with Comments, and you need to add a new comment to a post. The term, coined in 1995 by computer programmer Andrew Koenig, was inspired by the book Design Patterns, which highlights a number of design patterns in software development that its authors considered to be highly reliable and effective. The ChangeTracker right before Save Changes is the only way to find all changes. => I just can say regarding that point. This simplifies Foo to the following implemention (still using the extension method approach but this time on IUnitOfWorkScope). In Architecture, Test Driven Development. People don’t give Repositories the benefit of a doubt, as their previous implementations of it had problems. Back then you had edmxs that would crash if you had too many tables in them, and I feared the need for multiple DbContexts in one solution… Monolithics are bad. I see no problems testing the extension methods. Really interesting post. If you know any others, please add them via a pull request or post a comment below. First in my Unit Of Work I want to be able to event back when it is disposed. Additionally, for simplicity I didn’t account for having multiple DbContexts. Using Expression Trees to compile custom statements per type to squeeze that last bits of performance out. From another angle, Aggregates exposing their state to the outside (for FindBy* queries) are a point of coupling. In this post, as the title suggests, I'll discuss why one shouldn't emit View States (or as some people prefer to call it Resource nowadays) from Repository, and why is it Anti-Pattern IMO. So this happens: Now we are kind of back to where we started. May 8, 2012. => Can easily be tested with FakeItEasy or Moq. => … For the Student entity typ… The design here many can confuse with previous approaches they have seen. Users of IUnitOfWorkScope are supposed to call the specific query methods made available through extension methods. Data as duplicated – i.e. We do not need to create custom interfaces or inherited classes, and it works quite nice. Probably a formatting issue. When discussing the architecture of a new project, we often hear the question: “What if we want to switch to another ORM?” And the answer to it is usually the following: “Let’s make Generic Repository that will encapsulate the interaction with a particular technology for accessing data.” And thuswe have a new abstraction layer that translates the well-known, well-designed,and documented API of abeloved ORM into our custom, “on-the-knee”API without documentation. Photo by HUNTER LEONARD. It is a data access pattern that prompts a more loosely coupled approach to data access. It looks fine on paper, becomes problematic even in trivial applications and will evolve into real trouble in bigger projects. You are right. The CRUD Repository methods can have attached properties on the entities and the logic could be skipped. […] Was all of this useless ? I although have not have had the same experience, as I do not recommend that approach. I began using this pattern with NHibernate around 2006 and only abandoned its use a few years ago. This anti-pattern is closely related to Anti-pattern 5 (different images per environment). Imagine the following example. (Got lucky finally a green-field) So, I started reading arguments on various reason not to. (i.e., "My purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.") Buzzwords often give context to concepts that evolved and needed a good “tag” to facilitate dialogue. Follow their code on GitHub. But I realize that your solution shines when it comes to wrapping all data access including queries in business transactions aka UnitOfWorkScope (as you nicely described in your follow-up post “The repository anti pattern clarified”). It’s up to you on how to define this. So we can define UnitOfWork as such. For example, in another Google’s “blueprint”, this time for arch components, usage of repositories eventually led to pearls like NetworkBoundResource . But as a user of IUnitOfWorkScope it’s very easy to circumvent extension methods and directly call the generic FindAllBy() method instead. By Daniel Marbach. Daniel, I am a big supporter of the Repository pattern, however I am against the Generic Repository. Amen, brother! Change ). Right now though, I’m in my head working down a path of IQueryable extension methods. What are your thoughts on using the Specification pattern as an abstraction for queryability as opposed to exposing the more EF bound IQueryable interface. I expect with two generics it would be a dictionary.” It is interesting that people don’t quite get the full use of generics. This will make it so classes that use IRepository do not have to have a reference to EF. Then though this pattern was more acceptable, and that is why where my debate lies. If they want to sabotage your infrastructure they always find a way around it. anti-patterns has 5 repositories available.
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