greasing the groove pull ups reddit
Labels: Fitness, Lift, Pulls. Thread starter Benjamin Renaud; Start date Jan 1, 2014; Status Closed Thread. While not exactly the same I had a similar philosophy of gradually dropping time/increasing reps however once I reached five reps I stayed at that and only increased my sets by one rep a fortnight. With greasing the groove, or GtG for short, you do lots of reps of the exercise you want to improve without coming anywhere close to failure. Regardless of whether you can currently only hit 2 reps per set or you’re able to hit 8 reps per set greasing the groove will drastically improve your current limitations. At present, I can not do even one rep. One method that gets mentioned a lot is "greasing the groove" or "greasing the bar". Also think about recovery, GTG was designed to increase your reps dramatically over a short period of time, your progression is too slow and you should only do this for a couple of months max, not a whole year. Greasing the groove basically means doing things in much smaller but more frequent chunks. I was recently introduced to the concept of ‘greasing the groove’, a technique developed by strength and conditioning master Pavel Tsatsouline. I also do this while I'm at the gym doing stronglifts. button below. I've been looking into ways to train myself to do pull-ups and chin-ups. The warning signs were clear - pain in the medial epicondyle of my elbow which was painful from the first pull up. It's not rocket science, but this what I'm doing in 2015, my NY resolution. Cookies help us deliver our Services. So if you want to increase your numbers with GTG instead of ladders I'd suggest you increase the rest between sets so you do less sets each day but increase the reps. Keine Kommentare: Kommentar posten. I also increased minimum rest to at least 9 minutes. I was able to do about 3 pullups when I started so I started with this progression scheme: (30 sec rest between sets, never going to failure) Day 1: 1-2 Day 2: 1-2-1 Day 3: 1-2-1-2 Day 4: 1-2-3 Day 5: 1-2-3-1... And so on. Ria Heaton, a stay-at-home mom, started greasing the groove in the last year to increase the number of pull-ups she could do. Share this post with others that can benefit! Timely post by OP, and thanks for the link eguanlao. The strength you gain from doing chin ups will translate to pull ups. That’s the power of low rep, high volume training with large rest periods. Doing 1 pullup when you're able to do 4-5 isn't enough to stimulate your neural pathways and muscles. View Full Version : Grease the groove and pull ups. Pull-ups are a great exercise for this program. In the palms facing position my best is around about 8 in the palms facing away position my best is about 4/5. If you wanna get stronger shouldnt you rest? Either way, I realized I’d been doing this since before I learned about doing this. But for pull ups, I'd like to do a one arm chin. I am trying to lose weight, I think I'm losing about 5 pounds a month, I'm trying to be more consistent with calorie counting, but on the other hand I figure if in a year I can put on 5 - 10 pounds of muscle a year without gaining weight I'll look that much better and eventually my current weight will be a lot closer to my "lean" weight. I am currently at 26 reps for today, I have done 8 so far. Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Learn how strength is a skill and how you can improve that skill by greasing the groove. Now, let’s establish straight up that greasing the groove is not an optimal technique for muscle growth or fat loss. Run this program for a month and you’ve performed 896 pull-ups instead of your usual 96 pull-ups. I was doing > 200 pull ups a day (sets of 20+) without taking enough rest days (I took a break once every 4-5 days if that). Jul 29, 2016 #2 Your goals, home lifestyle, time available, dislike of soreness, etc. Grease The Groove Training: Doing Pull Ups Every Day For Rapid Results 10 Key Points For Using Grease The Groove Training to Rapidly Increase Your Pull-up Reps The Grease the Groove method (GTG) is one of the most effective ways to rapidly increase your strength (and thus, your pull … Very steadily: increase weight, increase number of repetitions per set, and/or decrease rest time. I see guys in the gym all the time performing dips with a 20kg weight vest, then I see the same guys struggle to get beyond their fourth rep of dead hang pull-ups. I ask, because Pavel Tsatsouline (who introduced the GtG method afaik) said to do < 1/2 of your max reps. How many pullups can you do in a row currently? Today I can do 30 strict bodyweight chin ups. There’s a way to grease the groove and build strength in your autistic experience. Naturally, if you are training for strength endurance rather than absolute strength, you should train with lighter loads. There are many specific training protocols out there to force our body to grow in terms of size and strength – from drop-sets to giant sets, pause reps, forced reps… I’m sure you’ve heard of a number of these at least. Anyways, Pull-ups specifically are a big weakness of mine, chin-ups as well, but I'm at least better at them. I calorie count sometimes but I'm bad at sticking to it, and I probably drink too many beers to lose weight at the pace of a lot of people on loseit/other subreddits, but it's all good. Pull-ups. How is that working for you? CrossFit Discussion Board > CrossFit Forum > Exercises > Grease the groove and pull ups. My max went up from 12 to 15 pull ups, when I took 2 days rest. Grease the Groove (GtG) training follows five principles: It’s specific to a single movement. If GTG was a woman I would wife that shit. Matts Level 3 Valued Member. Enter your email and hit the 'Go!' Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Greasing the groove is a great method for developing strength in a certain movement and is used most frequently with bodyweight movements. I may have one rest day every two-to-three weeks which usually still includes at least one set of ten reps of whatever exercise I can manage). Group B will completed MTI’s take on a “Grease the Groove” progression 5 days/week. Then I do that again. (I started on Dec 19th), 3x12 chin-ups, <5 minute rests between sets, 3x12 pull-ups, <5 minute rests between sets, 3x12 “L-sit, Close-overhand-grip muscle-ups with FatGripz on the bar,”, supersetted with 3x12 pistol squats with a 35 lb kettlebell overhead, 90 second rests between sets. Join 7500+ other go-getters and get FREE updates on how to build muscle, shred fat and cultivate an unbreakable mindset. 1, I can't get the second rep clean, but like I said I can do 4-5 chinups in a row, and they're getting easier, so we'll see if I can keep up with this regimen. Everyone is different though and I'm pedantic about the dumbest shit at times. (For anyone wondering, I do the dips the normal way recommended by the app, I got to 3 sets of 10, and now I'm doing 3x5 holding dumbbells with my feet, but I do this "GTG" for chin-ups 7 days a week instead of only doing them on OH press/Deadlift day). Great job! We need a good amount of volume to allow the neuronal network to wire together. Great question. The benefits over GTG are that you progress much faster and it is much less time consuming. Your body isn't adapting if you don't give your muscles enough stimulus. Like ‘greasing the groove.’ If you want the explanations, read Pavel Tsatsouline’s hilarious primer or this Art of Manliness adaptation. When I started doing pullups I did ladders instead of GTG, similar concept but way more convenient and efficient. Now that I have reached 26 in a day, I have switched to sets of 2 reps, instead of 1. Today we’re talking about the most common bodyweight exercises that I see guys struggle with. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. DIY Pre-Workout Supplement – Achieve God Mode! I start with one or two pull ups with a lighter weight and then later move to single repetitions with the 40kg. I am overweight (5'11" and 206 Lbs), doing stronglifts, and have lost about 20 lbs in the last 5 months of doing it. Would it be too much if I greased the groove and added one arm push ups? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the bodyweightfitness community. You’re now performing 4 reps per set between 5 and 8 times per day…. But I am sure doing unweighted get ups and following them up with half get ups would work fine. Every 5 days, rest time goes down by a minute. This is not good and seems to contradict the theory that your nerves become "superconductors". 12-01-2003, 02:19 PM. That is important in a greasing the groove program. I'm currently doing ladders for the pullup (palms facing away, thumb over the bar). Bodybuilding Myths You Must Know If You Want To Grow! For example, you might do a grease-the-groove program focused on pull-ups. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 1 If you are able to perform let’s say 5 pull-ups in strict form, then you will want to perform multiple times during the same day (every day) each set of 3-4 pull-ups. In Twitter freigeben In Facebook freigeben Auf Pinterest teilen. The idea is to practice perfect form and avoid fatiguing your muscles or nervous system. I’m focusing on chin-ups, and I will move to pull-ups once I reach a milestone of 100 chin-ups / day. Here is my understanding of GTG, and thus the reasoning for my routine. Think about it, you may have previously been performing 3 sets of your max reps when performing your back workout once a week. I currently work from home where I have a pull-up bar and some dumbbells at home. In a nutshell it’s basically getting in any kind of exercise when you can, and getting over the idea that you have to go to exhaustion to reap benefits. I was able to go from 3 pullups to 10 in 3 months with ladders and then I stopped making progress so I added weight to my pullups and did a more "traditional" set and rep scheme. One powerful training technique that is rarely discussed is greasing the groove. I have a question about GTG. With GTG you do the same exercise every day but i always though if you want to get stronger you gotta take your restdays. It helped but it was more about triceps strength and confidence. OH press is at 120 3x5. This means that during the day you will perform around 6-10 sets of 3-4 pull-ups every hour or two. So on one hand you can grease the groove throughout the day. Power to the People! My actual progression was doing a max of 3 reps per set then 4 then 5 then weighted chin ups (because Pavel says when greasing the groove with 5 reps is a walk in the park you should move on to adding external resistance) and that progression happened all within a month. If you want to implement the GtG tool into your strength-building arsenal, here are the basics: Pick an exercise in which you want to become stronger. Diesen Post per E-Mail versenden BlogThis! And about your question: I have done half get ups to get used to the 28kg KB. Greasing the groove for pull-ups question. PDA. all make you a perfect candidate for Simple & Sinister- get the book and a starter kettlebell, and you'd be on the way. Would you have to keep volume so low that it wouldn’t do much? Next to this I trained 3 times while leaving out all other pulling exercises. For ease of calculation let’s say you maxed out on 8 repetitions, when greasing the groove you will be performing 50% of your max reps, in this case 4 reps per set between 5 and 8 times per day with a minimum of an hour of rest between sets. While at … Whenever I’m at home, where I have a door frame chin-up bar, I do a chin up, log it, and set a timer for 5 minutes. Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American. Yet many comrades will be very successful greasing the groove with 60-80% weights as long they emphasize the competitive technique -high tension, Power Breathing, etc. I've searched "Greasing the groove" on reddit a lot, and haven't found that much information on it, specifically I haven’t found anyone doing it very measurably, or stories of people’s results with it, so I wanted to give others an idea for a routine. Greasing the groove is a strength training method popularized by Russian fitness author and coach, ... 6 thoughts on “ Grease The Groove Training: Doing Pull Ups Every Day For Rapid Results ” Matt March 26, 2016. Any suggestions? How I Reached 50 Pull-ups with “Greasing the Groove” » Dishin Dimes How I Reached 50 Pull-ups with “Greasing the Groove” » Dishin Dimes: 'via Blog this' Eingestellt von Feckless um 07:32. The idea is that you're doing 50-80% of your max reps per workout. Do this daily for 3 – 4 weeks before re-testing your max reps, provided you followed the program to a tee you’ll likely be smashing out 10 reps per set after greasing the groove for just under a month. I’m trying to increase my work capacity. You train to failure? OCD wouldn't accept anything less than completing all sets. Say you did half max pushups pull-ups situps squats and dips every day. There are many pull-up programs available, including Pavel’s example above as a teenager. how to count when getting to higher reps? Regardless of whether you can currently only hit 2 reps per set or you’re able to hit 8 reps per set greasing the groove will drastically improve your current limitations. How to Grease the Groove. “Grease the Groove” is made popular by kettlebell guru Pavel Tsatsouline, and involves completing multiple sets of both Hand Release Push Ups and Pull Ups each day, but far below max effort. For example, I will often do weighted pull ups in between sets of squats and deadlifts. Greasing the Groove (On Chin-ups and Pull-ups) I've searched "Greasing the groove" on reddit a lot, and haven't found that much information on it, specifically I haven’t found anyone doing it very measurably, or stories of people’s results with it, so I wanted to give others an idea for a routine. After day 100, Start progression with Pull-ups every other day, continue chin-ups, Days 26, 27, 28, 29, 30: sets of 2, rest 9 minutes, Days 31, 32, 33, 34, 35: sets of 2, rest 8 minutes, Days 36, 37, 38, 39, 40: sets of 2, rest 7 minutes, Days 41, 42, 43, 44, 45: sets of 2, rest 6 minutes, Days 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 : sets of 2, rest 5 minutes, Days 51, 52, 53, 54, 55: sets of 3, rest 9 minutes, Days 56, 57, 58, 59, 60: sets of 3, rest 8 minutes, Days 61, 62, 63, 64, 65: sets of 3, rest 7 minutes, Days 66, 67, 68, 69, 70: sets of 3, rest 6 minutes, Days 71, 72, 73, 74, 75: sets of 3, rest 5 minutes, Days 76, 77, 78, 79, 80: sets of 4, rest 9 minutes, Days 81, 82, 83, 84, 85: sets of 4, rest 8 minutes, Days 86, 87, 88, 89, 90: sets of 4, rest 7 minutes, Days 91, 92, 93, 94, 95: sets of 4, rest 6 minutes, Days 96, 97, 98, 99, 100: sets of 4, rest 5 minutes, Days 101, 102, 103, 104, 105: sets of 5, rest 9 minutes, 100 total reps, Days 106, 107, 108, 109, 110: sets of 5, rest 8 minutes, 100 total reps, Days 111, 112, 113, 114, 115: sets of 5, rest 7 minutes, 100 total reps, Days 116, 117, 118, 119, 120: sets of 5, rest 6 minutes, 100 total reps, Days 121, 122, 123, 124, 125: sets of 5, rest 5 minutes, 100 total reps, TL;DR: My opinion on how to do greasing the groove (On Chin-Ups and Pull-ups)/ My new years resolution, For those who want more information on "Greasing The Groove", this is a good article: Here is how I will continue my progression, in order to reach my goals. Some people advocate putting a pull-up bar in a doorway in a frequently-used part of your house, and doing one rep every time you pass it. I LOVE GTG. Greasing the groove simply means that you repeat an exercise many times, even if with light resistance. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. So here is what I'm doing. FRANCO BELCASSIO. Start with chin ups first. I am a big enough moron to have overtrained by greasing the groove on pull ups. With the large number of rest between sets you’ll find you’ve increased your volume ten-fold yet you likely won’t feel any additional fatigue from doing so. I had recently plateau'd at a 10 rep-max for both supinated and neutral chin-ups, so I have been thinking about how differently I should approach my chin-up training (max-rep goal is at least 12 reps) in the coming weeks and months. If so how did it work with that many? I recently tried grease the groove for pull ups, I did 80 pull ups per day, 10 per set and 2 sets per mini training. Sounds like you need to drop another 20lbs unless you are an absolute upperbody monster before you'll be hitting goals like these. Or You're striving for more volume of workouts throughout the day, but you're not doing anything to failure or fatigue. Taking Your Body & Mind To The Next Level. E.g. By avoiding muscular failure, you can do lots of mini-workouts workouts over the course of a day, as it only takes minutes, and not days, to recover from each one. One of the best ways to train for these skills is using a greasing-the-groove type of program. Before we can structure your sets and reps we need to find out where your current limitations are. As what was mentioned on here before your biggest battle is a mental one rather than a physical or dietary one. I started a couple years ago with those 3 pullups at 70kg (154 pounds) bodyweight and now I'm doing 10 reps at 105kg (231 pounds) total weight (bodyweight +20kg) by simply adding extra weight or reps. Benjamin Renaud Level 7 Valued Member. We must start by finding out how many strict form repetitions of the exercise (in this case, pull-ups) you can perform are. I also play basketball 2 - 3 times a week, and do valet parking. I see guys in the gym all the time performing dips with a 20kg weight vest, then I see the same guys struggle to get beyond their fourth rep of dead hang pull-ups. Start your fitness journey with one of the recommended routines in our wiki! If you had volume high would that be too much and lead to overtraining? (Continue Discussion of This Topic by Starting a New Thread.) Greasing the groove (so do 50% of your max reps, for you, say 4 chin-ups) fairly regularly throughout the day, making sure you're fully recovered before the next set (fully recovered just means don't do 4, wait 10 seconds, then do another 4. adding 1 rep a day is a pretty slow progression if you ask me. After a month re-test your maximum and if you wish to continue greasing the groove for that particular movement base your 50% off of your new max and continue…. Pavel Tsatsouline and Greasing the Groove “Grease the groove” is a style of training that was developed by legendary Spetsnaz trainer Pavel Tsatsouline. For my calves, I just want size. make better use of the muscle you already have. GTG is my training methodology of choice and it's nice to see how others fare with it as well. Continually greasing the groove will make doing push-ups feel more and more natural and easier, allowing you to gradually do more reps and building your strength in that exercise. No BS Muscle Building Supplements I used to go from Skinny to Jacked. The goal is to improve neural recruitment patterns - i.e. I'm currently greasing the groove on my calves and pull ups. The term was coined by famous Russian hard man Pavel Tsatsouline who is known for his kettle bell workouts. You can do a set every time you walk through a particular doorway, every 30 minutes or between levels / matches when playing a computer game). Hi John, My best 5×5 numbers on the weighted pull up is BW +10kg. Tag Archives: pull ups grease the groove Grease The Groove Training: Doing Pull Ups Every Day For Rapid Results 10 Key Points For Using Grease The Groove Training to Rapidly Increase Your Pull-up Reps The Grease the Groove method (GTG) is one of the most effective ways to rapidly increase your strength (and thus, your pull-up reps) in a short period of time. (Before starting GTG I could do 3 sets of 4, sometimes I could get 5 in a set, but not usually, and I had been at that sets x reps scheme a while) It seems hard to improve by just doing them at the gym as an overweight person. I'm not an "upper body monster." Group A completed MTI’s Density progression for Hand Release Push Ups and Pull Ups, three days/week. Keeping your goals realistic for your ability level in my opinion is paramount to maintaining a consistently high level of motivation. I got 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 @ 197.5 on bench the other day, rowing 147.5 5x5 at the moment. The basic premise is that if you repeat a specific movement on a regular basis, for example, several times a day Monday-Friday, without training to failure and/or fatiguing the muscles you can vastly increase your rep count. Anyone have experience with greasing the groove with 3-5 exercises? Quality post. Repeat an exercise you want to improve upon, either in strength or endurance, frequently, either every day or about every other day. So if you grease the groove with pull-ups, you’ll notice an improvement on the number of overall pull-ups you can do, but you won’t see much of an improvement in other exercises." At the same time chin ups are ‘easier to learn’ so you will be able access that level of strength much faster. (At that point I want to continue doing 100 chin-ups every other day, and start the progression on pull-ups every other day, so eventually I will be doing 100 chin-ups or pull-ups every single day) I started at 1 chin-up a day, and I add 1 rep each day.
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