potassium selenate is isomorphous with potassium sulphate
10.4 Conditions to avoid. Toxicological information Acute toxicity. centims. It is therefore isomorphous with potassium sulphate (for which a:b:c = 0.5727:1:0.7418), and … cit. Advanced Search | Structure Search. no data available. sulphate and selenate ions allowed isomorphous substitution of selenate ions into the sodium sulphate crystals, which was the likely cause of impurity uptake. The thyroid gland is the part of the body that is most sensitive to radioactive iodine. Selenium or selenate alums are also known that contain selenium in place of sulfur in the sulfate anion, making selenate (SeO 2− 4 ... and were used to develop the phase retrieval technique isomorphous replacement. no data available . Oral: no data available; Inhalation: no data available Let atomic mass of metal selenium be be ‘x’ Potassium selenate is isomorphous with potassium sulphate and contains 35.75% of selenium. Potassium selenate (7790-59-2) 1.7 mg/m3 : 18 mg/m3 : 110 mg/m3 (DOE, 2016) Regulatory Information. 74 matches found for ammonium potassium sulphate . The normal sulphate of potassium is absolutely free from this disadvantage, being one of the least soluble of the salts usually classed as soluble in water, 100 cub. p. 851 and sulphate memoir loc. *Please select more than one item to compare. Thallous sulphate crystallises in rhombic prisms (a:b:c = 0.5555:1:0.7328) of density 6.765 at 20°. 10.6 Hazardous decomposition products. The isomorphous pair K2SO,r.-K2CrO,, Clearly the relative viscosity of a selenate will be greater Very precise measurements by Jones and Coivin[lO] than that of the corresponding sulphate at all concert- gave the following results: trations, due presumably to its greater size. Search term: "ammonium potassium sulphate" Compare Products: Select up to 4 products. Solution: Potassium selenate is isomorphous with potassium sulphate K 2 SO 4, hence the formula for the Potassium selenate is K 2 SeO 4. Thallous sulphate, Tl 2 SO 4, is prepared by dissolving thallium in hot sulphuric acid, or by adding thallous hydroxide or carbonate to aqueous sulphuric acid, evaporating, and crystallising. of this liquid at the ordinary temperature only dissolving 10 grams of the salt (loc. p. 632). Potassium selenate is produced by the reaction of selenium trioxide and potassium hydroxide. University of Cape Town ii Synopsis A large concern facing South African industry, particularly the mining sector, is a suitable and sustainable means to deal with waste water streams. cit. 11. What is Potassium Iodide (KI)? KI (potassium iodide) is a salt of stable (not radioactive) iodine that can help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland, thus protecting this gland from radiation injury.. Yeast Nitrogen Base. What is this information? SeO 3 + 2 KOH → K 2 SeO 4 + H 2 O Alternatively, it can be made by reacting selenous acid with potassium hydroxide, and then oxidizing the resulting potassium selenite with bromine . 12H 2 O.Other alums are named after the monovalent ion, such as sodium alum … no data available . POTASSIUM SELENATE is a weak oxidizing agent, and may react with strong or weak reducing agents. Find the atomic mass of selenium (Se). 10.5 Incompatible materials.
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